
Complete Care Chiropractic Clinic

30061 Schoenherr Rd.,

Suite B

Warren, MI 48088 US


Meet Our Doctors

  • Dr.
    Rosemary Batanjski
    Clinic Director

    Dr. Batan­jski believes that noth­ing is more valu­able in this world than your health & your fam­ily. She is  com­mit­ted to pro­vid­ing opti­mal health and well­ness to the com­mu­nity with excel­lent stan­dards in chi­ro­prac­tic care and com­ple­men­tary health ser­vices. 

    In 2022 we celebrated Dr. Rose's 20th anniversary of the opening of her clinic.  Even though she no longer is able to practice due to a heath condition, she has com­mit­ted her life to well­ness and providing patient-centered care to the City of Warren and surrounding areas. Dr. Rose is exclu­sively known for her “infec­tious” per­son­al­ity and her heart of gold. She is known for her philanthropy and her generous nature. You will always see her volunteering for causes that are important to her and her family. 

    Over the last eight years she has been on the board of directors for many organizations. She has served as the founding president for a non-profit she helped start with her colleague called Women Chiropractors.  This organizations goal is to empower and mentor women chiropractors around the world. In 2018, she was proudly named Women Chiropractor of the Year. 

    You will also see Dr. Rose on stage. As a sought after motivational speaker and lecturer she brings her passion to schools, state associations and chiropractic organizations. Her topics include: personal development and motivation, business, human resources and leadership training. 

    Dr. Rose attended National Uni­ver­sity of Health Sci­ences in Lom­bard, IL, and has pur­sued her post grad­u­ate cer­tifi­cate in pedi­atrics. Besides her com­mit­ment to her prac­tice, she enjoys public speaking, teach­ing Sun­day School, vol­un­teer­ing for her children’s school and spend­ing time with her hus­band Milo­rad and her two beau­ti­ful chil­dren Dusan & Dijana. 

  • Dr.
    Elisabeth Steczek
    Chiropractic Physician

    Dr. Elisabeth Steczek, known to her patients as Dr. Beth, credits a chiropractor with changing her life when she was just 10 years old. That transformative experience inspired her to become a chiropractor herself.

    “My mother noticed I had been limping. At the time, she was seeing a chiropractor who suggested bringing me in to be checked. He did an evaluation and saw something he didn’t like. My hip joint, right at the ball of the hip, had a fracture at the growth plate. I was in surgery within 4 days,” she says. “Without him thinking outside the box, I would have been disabled. That is the type of doctor I strive to be. To listen, to thoroughly evaluate, to think outside the box, to exhaust every possibility, and not let the patient give up on themselves.”

    Dr. Beth graduated from Palmer College of Chiropractic, Florida in 2008 with her Doctorate in Chiropractic. She utilizes a range of chiropractic techniques and specializes in herniated and bulging discs, and spinal stenosis.  Dr. Beth is dedicated to helping people of all ages without the use of drugs or surgery.

    Dr. Beth grew up in Harrison Township and attended L’Anse Creuse High School. In 2000, she moved to Allentown, Pennsylvania to attend the private, all-women’s Cedar Crest College where she earned a bachelor’s degree in biology. She returned home to Michigan following her post-graduate studies.

    When she’s not at work, Dr. Beth spends her free time with her husband, Mike, and children, Lila and Ethan. She also enjoys reading and baking.


We look forward to hearing from you


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Office Hours

Our Regular Schedule


9:00 am-7:00 pm


9:00 am-7:00 pm


9:00 am-7:00 pm


9:00 am-7:00 pm


9:00 am-7:00 pm


9:00 am-1:00 pm

We are closed every other Saturday

